Week 1
Monday: Welcoming and introduction to the United Nations, tour and overview; observation of UN meetings
Tuesday: Assignment/decision of final projects, one-on-one student advising to create student plan for two weeks; PM: meeting with UN agency officials
Wednesday: Observe UN official meetings, attend lecture and roundtable discussions on United Nations, roundtable discussions with leaders of international organizations that work in the field and at UN
Thursday: NGO work, conduct assigned project on NGO, include field research, conduct interviews with local people. PM: Introduction to speech and debate, assignment of topics, intensive 4-hour training session with professional debate coach
Friday: AM: Attend UN meetings and meet with representatives of UN agencies; PM: community service project with NYC local community organization, evening: talk by leader in New York City civil society
Week 2
Monday: AM: Observe UN official meetings; PM: Intensive training session on project management tools with top executive
Tuesday: AM: Lecture on international diplomacy from distinguished International Affairs professor; PM: Attend UN meetings, work on final research project and presentation
Wednesday: AM: Tour of Columbia University, further speech and debate in Columbia classroom; PM: speech and debate competition at Columbia University
Thursday: AM: Leadership training with professional coach; PM: Work on final research project/presentation
Friday: Final day at United Nations; closing ceremony and final group presentations